A Job to Smile About

Read below an article by Workbridge written about our very own Alice - People, Performance and Culture Support.
Alice Meredith walks into her office each day with a big smile on her face — excited about the day ahead.
She feels like she hit the jackpot with her job at Cater Plus in Hamilton, doing work she loves, with people she loves,in a company that cares about people.
She writes a staff newsletter, inducts new employees,
organises events, and helps out wherever she can to ensure the smooth running of the People, Performance and Culture team.
Her first job out of university is more than Alice dared to
hope for when she graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce majoring HR and management.
“I wanted to work in HR but I worried that with my disability it may be a bit slower to find employment, and with my voice it can be harder to communicate — so it was about finding the right fit for me.”
But she found that perfect fit thanks to Workbridge.
Workbridge helped her with her CV and work-readiness,
and reached out to employers who might have roles going in HR that would be right for her.
Tash Hodge, the People, Performance and Culture Manager at Cater Plus, recalls being contacted by Workbridge employment consultant Rosemary Ryan: “Rosemary asked if they could send Alice to us for work experience. She said ‘I think you guys will be a great fit together’ — and she was right.”
Two weeks after starting her work experience, Alice was
offered a permanent role in the team.
Tash says Alice brings a big smile, positivity, and a can-do attitude that lifts up others.
“She is a great support for all of us, especially in the HR
team where we are sometimes dealing with really hard
things, and she is just a breath of fresh air.
“Even I have learnt from Alice about how to live life.
Nothing is a barrier and you can do anything if you just
want to do it.”
Alice says she couldn’t be happier at Cater Plus.
“I am just the luckiest person with my team. I have the
most wonderful boss that I could ever ask for, and they
all know me and know what I need and are willing to help.
“What made it easy is that I am in a company where they are all about people, and just knowing that everyone is cared for makes you feel very comfortable.”
Alice says she’s grateful to Workbridge too.
“If it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t have the job that I am in
now — It is such a wonderful thing that there is a
recruitment agency that helps people with disabilities. It
motivates people and keeps people confident that there
are jobs out there for everyone.”